Thursday, February 26, 2009


You will find this picture in many of my uploads. It was a chance pic taken at Elephant Beach, Havelock Island, Andamans which we had visited in December, 2006. We hired a boat to the Elephant Beach which is an ideal place for snorkeling. The weather was not too good with an overcast sky and occasional rains. There were a few other tourists rollicking in the water. The bare tree and the lonely boy sitting on the trunk caught my eye and I clicked it without much ado because we were in a hurry to finish the snorkeling and go back as the weather was turning from bad to worse. To conserve the battery, I had shot the picture without switching on the LCD monitor and didn't know how it looked like until it was downloaded onto the PC. It was not bad and a lot of people like it. So, here it is!
For a high resolution image, please click on the picture.


Parasmani said...

Hours could pass looking at the ocean...very nice photograph!

Venugopalan CV said...

Paras, Thanks for your positive feedback.