Saturday, February 28, 2009


This is another of my favourite pictures. They say 'a Rose by any other name is a rose is a rose is a ....', but I don't think it would sound as beautiful. This particular flower had such delicate colours, it was looking a bit ethereal. For those who love flowers, I have a big collection of pitures in my orkut under the name venugopalan cheriyaveettil.

There is a beautiful site on Indian Flowers at which any Indian can be proud of for its quality and comprehensiveness. It is the result of great effort by Dr.Tabish and Thingnam Girija. Another site dealing with flowers is wherein some of my pictures are published. See

Thursday, February 26, 2009


You will find this picture in many of my uploads. It was a chance pic taken at Elephant Beach, Havelock Island, Andamans which we had visited in December, 2006. We hired a boat to the Elephant Beach which is an ideal place for snorkeling. The weather was not too good with an overcast sky and occasional rains. There were a few other tourists rollicking in the water. The bare tree and the lonely boy sitting on the trunk caught my eye and I clicked it without much ado because we were in a hurry to finish the snorkeling and go back as the weather was turning from bad to worse. To conserve the battery, I had shot the picture without switching on the LCD monitor and didn't know how it looked like until it was downloaded onto the PC. It was not bad and a lot of people like it. So, here it is!
For a high resolution image, please click on the picture.